Trying to Activate your Gut Feelings? Try to do this…
When you are in a situation, trying to make a decision, have you ever felt your heart, skin, or gut act a certain way? or Have those areas cramped up when you find yourself in something that doesn’t align with you?
Let me share that this is your soul trying to tell you something. Your intuition is trying to awaken. So how do you strengthen this skill, so that it can help you make decisions that feel good, bring clarity into your life and live in authenticity?
One way is to do something about your fear. Start acknowledging it, figuring out what to do about it and release the hold it has on you. Fear creates the doubts, closes up your third eye, and shuts down your connection to a higher power and your guides. Your third eye is the seat of your intuition. Your body also can give you additional signals and insights into your intuition.
Sitting and finding the stillness in your life will help you to be able to work with fear.
Whether it means through nature, breathing, walking outside, meditating, or a mindful practice. Stillness is about being in the present moment. More to come on stillness soon.
Remember, you are an intuitive being. You have the capability to sense what is around you and within you. Some of you have opened up more than others. And some may feel resistant to being intuitive, so there may be struggles here and there when trying to your intuition. All is ok here.
Start off small.
If for some reason you are draw to having lunch at a place or getting coffee during the middle of the day, just do it. See what happens. This could be your intuition telling you to go somewhere because of a person or an opportunity or experience.
There is nothing to be afraid of here dear beautiful soul. Your intuition, your empathic senses, your creation/manifesting abilities, is what shows you, who you are and what you are. We are all divinely created, trying to help each other awaken to the truth.
This is something that took me years to find for myself, feeling stronger than my fears so I could tap into my intuition more and more. My soul was aching for me to be alive.
When I realized what was happening, a wake up call happened. “Do you want to live life like a shell or do you want to live life being completely YOU and showing up for yourself?”. I chose myself and no one else.
Love is the answer
Through the lack of love I was receiving, I chose myself. I realized fear didn’t own my power, and my strength was found through my own self love.
My intuitive gifts became alive. I began creating practices that supported my overall state of mind, my soulful connection and loving myself. I felt more connected than ever. Vibrational shifts started to occur. I felt valued. And It didn’t matter what others thought of me.
Stillness truly was my best friend and helped me to strengthen my intuition. I started to listen to the soft voice in my head and my body more as I made big decisions in my life.
If you are looking to strengthen your intuition, your gut feelings, to help you be strong and also live in your authentic truth, lets chat more, as I would be honored to help guide you in this process. And I hope you’ll follow along as I plan to provide you with more insights in hopes that it will help you with your own journey.
xo Mary Ann