Energy Healing Hypnotherapy
Heal your inner child wounds, reprogram your subconscious mind, let go of limiting beliefs and feel who you truly are within you.
Energy Healing Hypnotherapy invites you to revisit past memories, process the emotions and reactions surrounding past events, and makes room to heal by changing old ways of thinking and asserting new conclusions based on what you truly want to believe about yourself. Using methods from the heart-centered hypnotherapy approach, energy healing in infused throughout this process together.
Here is what to expect:
Meditative talk, peaceful music, and guided imagery to lead you into a deep state of relaxation where you can go back in time to the source of your presenting problem and discover past connections to current issues and blocks through hypnosis. This allows for new, healthier beliefs and decisions to take root. Old unexpressed emotions can be felt, expressed, and released. In Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy clients are always in control and aware of their surroundings and fully participate in the process. You will be talking during this time so still aware but fully tapped into your subconscious mind.
How does it correlate with what I do?
The founders incorporated energy healing into this modality of work. Providing avenues for the client to receive healing as they are releasing energy. So when I learned of this approach I wanted to use it to help others on a deeper level. Sometimes you need to express energy out rather than be in a nonverbal state of mind. As humans it makes it more real and also provides a way for the body to release energy out.
How do I incorporate energy healing?
From beginning to end I flow healing energy to you and support you through this process. And at the end it is focused on healing.
You are in control.
How? Well you only go as deep as you are ready to go. So I do recommend at least 2 sessions, but coming to one and seeing what happens. I’m always holding the space so that you can do what your soul is guiding you to experience, receive, release and reprogram.
Kind Words
Most people think “Oh, I’ve experienced hypnotherapy” but really it was hypnosis. Hypnotherapy in the form of heart centered hypnotherapy is an vocalizing approach for you. And hypnosis is like being in a meditative state of mind.
The following information below was retrieved from the Wellness Institute, the institution in which I received my Heart Centered Hypnotherapy certification.
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a treatment intervention that involves inducing the client into a relaxed, suggestible state and then offering post-hypnotic suggestions for relief of symptoms. It uses the hypnotic trance—the simple shifting back and forth between the conscious and subconscious mind, a natural process that occurs every day—in order to create this relaxed, suggestible state.What is the hypnotic trance?
Many people think of hypnosis as inducing sleep. That’s actually not the case. Hypnosis (and hypnotherapy) induce the “trance state.” It is actually a natural state of mind that many of us encounter in everyday life on a regular basis. If you’ve ever been engrossed in a book, movie, or performance, then you have likely experienced the trance state. The only thing that distinguishes a naturally occurring trance state from the hypnotic trance state is that hypnotherapists induce the latter and are able to control the trance state to create understanding and healing.How is the hypnotic trance induced?
Therapists use different types of hypnotic induction to get people into a trance state. The most well known and effective techniques to induce trance state is eye fixation, asking clients to stare at a spot on the ceiling or an object, or their thumb as it moves slowly backward and forward.
How is the hypnotic trance used in hypnotherapy?
The hypnotic trance state creates a deep sense of relaxation and allows the client to let go. During this process, the hypnotherapist is able to uncover subconscious motivations, access repressed memories, perform regression therapy, and/or use the power of suggestion to “re-map” the mind’s responses to stimuli. What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the practice of psychotherapy with a client who is in the hypnotic altered state of consciousness. Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to access the source of distress, like depression and anxiety, and for people to reconnect with dissociated emotions and disowned parts of themselves. Hypnotherapy helps therapists and client
get closer to the source of a client’s issues by opening the doorway to their subconscious mind.
What are the differences between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
While hypnosis and hypnotherapy are in the same “family,” they are very different from each other. The core difference is that hypnotherapy is therapy technique for treating mental and psychosomatic issues. It uses hypnosis to break through to the
subconscious to better understand the foundation of the issues a client is facing.
How long has hypnosis been practiced?
Hypnosis is one of the world's oldest sciences. Amazingly, ancient hieroglyphics show that the Egyptians were using hypnosis as early as 3,000 B.C. There is evidence the Greeks and the Mayans understood it and used it as well. Like other sciences,
hypnotism has had its experimenters, its pioneers, its lucky guessers, and its experts.While hypnosis has had a place in society for thousands of years, it has also carved out a place as a legitimate modern medical practice, where it is called hypnotherapy. As early as 1892, the British Medical Association verified the efficacy of hypnotherapy.
Does a hypnotized person lose control?
No. Hypnosis is nothing but a state of relaxed deep focus. A hypnotized person always has control and can always hear what's going on. It is a natural state that you enter at least twice a day (while waking up and while falling asleep) While undergoing hypnotherapy, clients have the ability to communicate with their therapist and express any requests they may have. Experienced hypnotherapists are constantly verifying the comfort level of those in the trance.
What can be treated with hypnotherapy?
The exciting thing about hypnotherapy is that it has and can be used to treat a wide variety of human illnesses, diseases, addictions, diagnoses, and complaints: PTSD, depression, migraines, performance anxiety, addictions, weight problems, anxiety + stress, ocd, grief, cancer, childbirth, sleep, dementia
I am currently licensed and certified in the state of Washington. And in order to receive my certification, I completed hours of working with individuals providing them hypnotherapy. Your information is kept confidential like with any other service I provide. I am not here to diagnosis or cure.