Energize your Soul & Connect to your New Future
Our bodies are fascinating, with intricate spiritual and physiological components. Over time, our cells in our body and brain have grown accustomed to certain feelings, and when they don't receive the same emotions or chemicals, it can feel uncomfortable. That's why activities like breathwork, sound healing, and yoga may feel strange at first, even though we know they are beneficial. And so our bodies/brain can crave stress, even though we know it's not good for us, simply because it's what they've grown used to.
I once had a relationship in the past, filled with yelling arguments, and then had been in a relationship, one where we didn't have yelling arguments. It felt strange when my ex-partner [the no yelling arguments one] pointed out my raised voice during a time of deep frustration. It made me realize that my body was wired to "fight" even when it wasn't necessary. It was a powerful subconscious realization. Anyone else have one of those moments before?
So how can you shift from priming yourself for stress to embracing emotions that amplify and heal your field? By exposing your body to new emotions daily. It's a daily practice that promises transformative shifts in your life.
Let's explore a way to nourish our bodies with positive and healing experiences. So you can flow into your new future in this time.
There are seven powerful energy centers/chakras within us. And many many more. These energy centers are responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. To awaken and charge these centers, we must start by bringing awareness to each one.
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, around the perineum. It's our foundation and connection to the earth. Ground yourself with nature walks, barefoot meditation, and visualizing a vibrant red energy at the base of your spine. - I AM SAFE. I AM GROUNDED - [how would this feel to be grounded? emotions]
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Situated just below the navel, it's the center of creativity and passion. Nurture this chakra through artistic expression, dance, or connecting with water elements like a calming bath. - I AM CREATIVE - [how would this feel? emotions]
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): This chakra resides in the upper abdomen and influences our self-esteem and personal power. Strengthen it by engaging in self-affirmations, practicing gratitude, and pursuing activities that boost your confidence. - I AM IN MY POWER - [how would this feel? emotions]
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found in the center of the chest, it's the gateway to love and compassion. Practice heart-opening exercises like opening your heart up with your arms stretched, imagine love expanding your heart, offering love to others, and forgiving yourself and others. - I AM OPEN TO RECEIVING LOVE. I AM LOVE. - [how would this feel? emotions]
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located in the throat, it governs communication and self-expression. Speak your truth through journaling, singing, or engaging in honest conversations. - I AM SPEAKING MY TRUTH - [how would this feel to speak your truth? emotions]
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows to back of head, it's the seat of intuition and inner wisdom. Strengthen it by meditating, connecting with your intuition, and embracing mindful practices. Imagine it pulsating with violet light. - I AM INTUITIVE - [how would this feel? emotions]
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head, it's the link to divine consciousness. Embrace moments of stillness and meditate on the concept of universal oneness. Be aware of connecting to universal oneness and divine consciousness. - I AM CONNECTING TO THE DIVINE. I AM ONE - [how would this feel? emotions]
If the emotions are hard to feel, tap into the emotion of gratitude for each center.
💫 So now lets connect to Your New Future that is happening now:
This is your moment to embrace change, to let go of the old, and to connect with the infinite possibilities of your new future. 🌠. Turn on the most inspirational song ever for you and flow, dance, say what you are bringing in. Use this song if you want.
Music is so vital in my life in many ways. From the music I use in my breathwork sessions to the sound healing sessions to the energy sessions I hold. People feel moved with the music I work with. Trust the cosmic forces at play, and believe that your destiny is shaped by the choices you make and the energy you radiate. It's time to co-create the reality you've always dreamed of!
Music facilitates emotional resonance, stress reduction, empowerment, and motivation, helping individuals step into their new future. It encourages self-expression, mindfulness, and visualization, while providing creative inspiration and coping support during setbacks. Specific types of music can acts as a transformative tool for personal growth and embracing change.
Like Joe Dispenza says “Where your attention goes, your energy goes” So if you find yourself contemplating of the decisions from the past, the frustrations, the stress, all your energy goes there and you won't have enough energy to embrace your abilities to manifest your life.
I've provided a wealth of information, so let's take it one step at a time. If you feel the need for support and want to embark on a journey of personal meditation, I have a limited number of guided energy healing sessions and coaching opportunities available for July, with more openings coming in August. click here to explore how I can assist you on your path to healing and self-discovery.